Shopping Wishlist (Printable)
Mint Notion Shop
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As someone who used to struggle with impulse shopping, it seemed like there was always an excuse to spend money and buy new stuff. Perhaps you can relate?
And because I know that feeling all too well, I wanted to create some sort of resource that could help you save more money and feel good about your shopping habits. That's why I created this Shopping Wishlist sheet.
When you see something you want (these are impulse wants), put it on a list with today's date and make yourself wait a certain amount of time before purchasing it. Many times the urge to buy this item will pass and you can just cross it off the list.
After your given time period has passed and you still want that particular item, then consider looking for the most cost-effective way to buy it. I recommend waiting at least 30 days or up to six months. The longer you can wait, the better.
Not only does this tip help me save money, but I also feel more intentional about the purchases I make.
Why this works – It utilizes the power of delaying gratification. This means saving your money now so you can buy a more desirable product in the future.
How to use your shopping wishlist
1) Write down the item you desire to purchase in the appropriate box. Then write the store or website URL where you found the item, the price of the item, and why you want to buy it.
2) Force yourself to wait a certain period of time before you purchase the item, such asone day, one week, one month or one year. The longer you wait, the easier it will be to resist buying it.
3) After your "waiting period" has ended and you still feel strongly about purchasing the item, then consider looking for the most cost-effective way to buy it. If the urge to buy this item has passed, cross it off the list.
What you will receive: Includes 1 digital downloadable file (PDF) that you can print at home. This printable shopping wishlist is designed to fit a standard 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper.
*This is an instant digital download (PDF). Nothing will be shipped. You will be able download it instantly and print it at home after purchasing.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to download this product.