You can achieve your financial goals with this 30 day savings challenge! Whether you wish to build a starter emergency fund, pay down debt, or save for a fun vacation, this printable tracker can help you get there faster.
Use this fun savings challenge to stay motivated and save $1,000 in a month. Having a visual tracker is so helpful and it's a fun way to track your progress. Hang it up on your wall or fridge and watch your savings grow!
For more tips on how to complete each day of this challenge, check out this blog post.
How to use: Download and print at home. Each time you hit a savings goal, color in the appropriate graphic. Once all the graphics have been filled in, you will have saved $1,000! YAY!
What you will receive: Includes 1 digital downloadable file (PDF) that you can print at home. This printable savings tracker is designed to fit a standard 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper.
*This is an instant digital download (PDF). Nothing will be shipped. You will be able download it instantly and print it at home after purchasing.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to download this product.